The Happiness Solution For Dementia Caregivers and Loved Ones

Did you know that you have a lot of control over your own happiness? It was once believed that we had a predetermined set point of happiness that cannot be influenced by other factors and it was believed that that was the only thing that determined our level of happiness. Now we know that that is only part of the story. Yes, we do have a biological set point for happiness which accounts for about 50% of our mood state. Our moods are also influenced by events that happen in our lives like, getting married, having a child, getting a promotion, etc. However, these only account for about 10% of our happiness. That leaves around 40% of your happiness in your own hands. This is great news, because it means that there are a whole lot that you can do to become happier. Our 40% solution to happiness class will teach you various exercises that can help you make long lasting, positive changes on your emotional well-being